
New Structural PP Compounds Outperform Common Chopped Glass Compounds

RTP's new series of glass-reinforced PP compounds bridge the gap between standard glass-reinforced PP and very long glass fiber PP compounds.
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A new series of PP compounds developed by RTP Company, Winona, Minn., are said to bridge the performance gap between standard chopped fiberglass PP compounds and RTP’s Very Long Fiber (VLF) compounds, and are said to be an excellent alternative to nylon and other compounds where moisture can reduce load bearing capabilities. The RTP 100 eXtra Performance (XP) compounds are produced using the company’s optimized manufacturing process, advanced additive technologies, and formulation expertise.

The XP compounds boast higher strength, modulus, and impact properties than any previously existing standard glass reinforced PP compounds--and by a wide margin. For example, they exhibit up to 20% higher modulus values and double the impact. RTP says, their strength, stiffness, and impact performance closely approach those of its VLF compounds, combines with lighter weight and chemical resistance of standard PP compounds. They are available in standard pellets in formulations containing from 10-50% glass fiber content, and can be easily injection molded into large or small complex geometries.
Purchasing Fiberglass Chopped Strand Mat, please focus on Sichuan Sincere & Long-term Complex Material Co., Ltd, and contact email: fred@chinaweibo.com.cn or chat on Skype: fred.wei08 

