crispy and hard and difficult to handle glass fiber, in Nanjing
University of Aeronautics and Astronautics the Professor Chen Zhaofeng
laboratories, it becomes soft as silk. At the 12th session of the
International Conference recently held vacuum insulation material on a
new type of insulation material "ultrafine aircraft-grade wool," not
only make thick refrigerator door thickness reduced by half, it will be
used on large aircraft, make saving fuel, noise insulation.
Zhaofeng group to improve the glass fiber components and nano-inorganic
particles as raw material, the patented technology to synthesize core
vacuum insulation panel has a micro structure imitation nest. It not
only can be used to "big up" large aircraft may also be used for living
in common refrigerators, vending machines, buildings.
to reports, to measure the performance of insulation materials, mainly
to see the thermal conductivity, the lower the coefficient, the better
the insulation. The thermal conductivity of air is 0.026W / mK, and this
"aircraft-grade superfine wool," the thermal conductivity of 0.0015W /
mK, air 1/20. This material is one cubic meter only 5 kg weight, while
one cubic meter of traditional materials weighing more than 100 kg. At
the same time, fiberglass chopped strand mat the fiber is only 3-5 microns in diameter, can greatly
reduce the required thickness of the object "insulation." To apply in
the refrigerator vacuum insulation panels, for example, the thickness of
only 5 mm, 50 mm insulation effect is equivalent to traditional foam
board, so that the refrigerator door is thinner, larger internal storage
space. In the Nordic countries, the heating energy consumption, the use
of such a vacuum insulation panel, can increase 10 percent of indoor