

Scientists developed a method to produce glass fiber in commercial quantities 70 years ago, and created fiberglass insulation. This innovation offered home and commercial building owners an effective, practical way to keep their buildings warm in the winter, cool in the summer and make more efficient use of the energy needed to operate their buildings. In the decades that followed, fiberglass insulation gained popularity and has become the insulation of choice for most American homes.

Fiberglass insulation is made from fine glass fibers, bound together to create a blanket, or a mat,fiberglass chopped strand mat then inserted into wall cavities, attics and other spaces to reduce heat flow, maintain a consistent indoor temperature, as well as absorb sound and reduce noise levels for a better indoor environment. These properties also make fiberglass insulation an ideal material for countless other applications such as appliances, vehicles, pipes and ducts. 

The most important job of any insulation system is to minimize the energy needed to maintain a consistent indoor temperature – keeping homes and buildings comfortable throughout the year.  When coupled with good building practices, including a well sealed building envelope, insulation helps reduce energy use for heating and cooling, which can account for up to 50 percent of a home’s utility costs. It’s the time-tested field performance of fiberglass insulation, coupled with recent advances in the sustainability of these products, and topped off with the total installed affordability that has helped fiberglass insulation have such staying power for seven decades. Fiberglass insulation remains a great choice for better performing homes and buildings for today and tomorrow.

