
How Fiberglass Insulation Is Installed

Fiberglass insulation comes in batts or rolls of varying thicknesses and lengths that must then be cut for installation. For the highest level of insulation, the fiberglass must be cut carefully so it can fit as tightly as possible around obstacles such as power sockets. This process is difficult for some installations and is time consuming. Although for quick insulation, fiberglass can be easily installed without professional assistance, the most benefits will accrue if a professional does the job,.

Fiberglass can irritate your throat and skin, so wear protective gear. Buy a two-strap mask rated for fiberglass insulation and wear a hat, gloves, a long-sleeve shirt and goggles to keep fibers out of your eyes.

Cost of Fiberglass vs. Spray Foam Insulation

On the whole, spray foam insulation costs two to three times as much as fiberglass insulation. Fiberglass insulation costs around $0.40 per square foot. Spray foam can be significantly more expensive, but can lead to bigger savings on heating and cooling costs. It costs around $3 per square foot, with a thickness of 3 inches.

Given the complexity of the installation process for spray foam insulation, the cost to install it are also significantly higher than fiberglass.

To understand the fiberglass chopped strand mat, click:http://www.zccyfiberglass.com

