Fiberglass chopped strand mat try to enable enough fiberglass matting to change it to complete at
the highest edge of your upstands or D260 Fillet trim. This strengthens
it, and stops the chance of driving rain finding a pin hole within the
joint between your fiberglass and trim.
D260 upstand trim fibreglassedD260 wall trim – Covering flashings can
later hide the be a part of between the matting and also the trim after
application of the coloured coat.
Brushes and roller sleeves can clearly have to be disposed of once
used however consolidation rollers and roller frames etc. will be clean
in a very shallow tray of acetone prepared for re-use.
Take care for your skin – don't clean your hands or skin in acetone
because it strips out the oil in your skin and may cause skin issues.
Clean you hands with industrial cleanup wipes instead, therefore me
brands are better than others at cleanup resin and coat so you will need
to experiment.