1. Clean
repair space with solvent or heat, cleaner water; let dry utterly. Sand
with eighty grit sandpaper to get rid of all primer, paint or
alternative trash.
2. placed on gloves. Pre-cut fibreglass material or mat to increase 2-3 inches on the far side repair space.
3. combine the liquid hardener:
the number or resin required to utterly saturate the fibreglass
material or mat. Pour resin into clean instrumentation or cup. for each
30mL of resin, use twelve drops of hardener. Or, for six tablespoons of
resin, use 1/4 teaspoon of hardener.
Mix completely.
4. Brush a coat of the resin/hardener mixture onto the broken space, extending 2-3 inches on the far side.
5. Place fibreglass fabric or fiberglass chopped strand mat
onto clean non-porous surface corresponding to sheet of foil. Use paint
brush to use resin/hardener mixture to fibreglass cloth/mat.
6. Sand with eighty grit sandpaper, edge with a hundred and eighty grit sandpaper to the sides, then paint.
7. close up tools with solvent or lacquer dilutant.